Tips For Eliminating Poverty By Having Good Work Plan For Farming in Zimbabwe!

Rugare Chakauya highlights how a person can have a lifetime economic working plan.

Here is the advice that I gave to one of my friends and it worked quite well for him. After a long conversation about business ideas in Zimbabwe, the gentleman asked, “Which business Rugare do you consider as life business with low risk in Zimbabwe?” I responded using a snapshot from what I call Old People’s Mind strategy

Here’s The Work Plan:

1. Land: Firstly, get land, even in rural areas. In rural areas, the land is very cheap going for as little as 100 USD for around 3 hectares (30,000 sqm). Securing land is very important because land appreciates in value rather than depreciating like other assets do. The land is not affected by economic variables such as inflation and exchange rates. However, it is important to know that the tenure of the land is not as secure as acquiring a farm that has title deeds. 

Rural land is sub-divided and provided by chiefs and, though extremely rare, this ownership can be revoked in the case of disputes.
Farming in Zimbabwe!
Farming in Zimbabwe!
2. Land Utilisation: At first, utilise the land for farming using rainfall depending with your area. Grow simple plants such as maize, groundnuts, mbambaira, groundnuts (nyimo), watermelons, cowpeas (nyemba). Sell the produce and use others for your own food.

3. Borehole Drilling: This is one of the best decisions. This guarantees water supply. Borehole Drilling in Zimbabwe costs around 1,000 USD in Harare, 1,700 USD in places like Chiredzi and about 2,500 USD in remote locations. With a borehole, you will have a reliable source of a very precious resource on any piece of land. Water is very necessary for your projects and for domestic use.

Check Article on Borehole Drilling Prices in Zimbabwe and These Are The Top Borehole Drilling Companies In Zimbabwe (A Must Read)

4. Solar System:
Solar allows anyone to use the free resource that the sun’s energy is. The sun is for free, renewable and permanent. So I advise using a solar system to pump water from your borehole or even for your house usage than using electricity or generator. In Zimbabwe, it is estimated that it only takes 1-2 years of diesel/petrol costs to cover the cost of your solar system The solar system will however last you 10-25 or more years, saving you a lot of money.

Check Article on Solar Powered Systems in Zimbabwe

5. Irrigation System: Initially, use simple irrigation methods. Buy your tanks like 5,000 litres even more depending on your capital. But at first, you can irrigation direct from the borehole raising funds for solar system and irrigation system.

Check Article on Irrigation Systems in Zimbabwe

6. Chicken Project: Also, start a simple chicken project such as roadrunner. Chicken manure is very good for most horticulture projects. Also chicken is a project on its own that can be very profitable.

7. Cattle & Goat Projects: While cattle don’t have the same quick turnaround as chickens, this can be a very profitable project if run well with a long-term view. Cattle projects usually last for years under good management. Cattle manure is also good for your horticulture projects.

Goat project is also good on your work plan. For meat, for sale and manure.

8. Pig Production: This is one of the profitable projects under good Management. In rural areas, you can start even by feeding with natural feeds then switch to proper feeding when your capital grows.

9. Horticulture Projects: After securing a reliable water source and power from the solar system, you can venture into horticulture. You have the advantage of organic fertilisers from animal manure at this point so you don’t have to buy fertilisers for your crops. This is cheaper and also very good for your soil structure formation.

10. Green Maize: Maize is an example of a horticultural project. It can be grown throughout the year, so given one’s reliable water source, you can plant it during the period when supply is low on the market. This way you benefit from better market prices are even more profitable.

This is my personal life road map. What is your working plan?

It is very important to have a good working plan and is very crucial for your future. Have permanent and life plans.

However, it is also good to do thorough research before you venture into any project. I say to the upcoming entrepreneurs, better to try than doing nothing. You will learn from those encountered mistakes. Mistakes increase your knowledge which makes you a better entrepreneur.

Rugare Chakauya is a Banker. He writes in his personal capacity as an Agro Entrepreneur. He also provides CV writing services, Business plans, and assignment assistance. He writes in his capacity to motivate and encourage youth to start their own projects. For your feedback and comments related to this article, Rugare can be contacted on or WhatsApp at +263778813113

Please Note: If you are interested in getting Expert advice on Borehole Drilling and Borehole Installation in Zimbabwe, we provide that information for FREE here at Mutare Boreholes. So please get in touch with us to discuss your project by Calling or sending a WhatsApp message.

Mutare Boreholes Sales: +263 77 389 8979.
Mutare Boreholes Sales: +263 71 961 3479.

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The Cost or Prices For Borehole Drilling in Zimbabwe:

1. Siting: $100.00USD
2. Drilling and Casing: (40 Metres) $1300.00USD - (Using Class 6)
3. AC Electrical Installation: $1000.00USD
4. Solar Pump Installation: $1400.00USD
5. Extra Metres After 40 Metres: USD $45.00USD per metre.
6. 5000 Litre Tank and 4 metre Tank Stand: $1000.00USD
7. Stuck Pump Fishing Out: $180.00USD
8. Capacity Testing: $250.00USD

- Casing with Class 9 Casing incurs an additional $200.00USD.
- Double Casing: $20.00USD per metre.

Note this is the average price borehole companies charge for their services in Zimbabwe, but this figure is subject to changes if conditions are different depending on the construction site.

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